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Artist working with wool fibre to felt sculptures inspired directly by the natural world.
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YvyB Yvonne Bentley
Self taught artist and crafter working in various mediums with my own Gallery offering Art and crafts and commissions
Judith Appleby
I paint abstracted structures, landscapes and seascapes. My work is exhibited in galleries in the North East and Scotland. My studio is in Newcastle
Emma Britton
I was a teacher until last year when I had a brain aneurysm and stroke. Now I paint instead.
Josie Nichol
As a self-taught artist living in the North East I started painting as far back as I can remember. I am inspired by the beauty
Jo Singh
I manage the day to day operations of the Network. If you have any questions, would like to join us or you'd like to add
Veronica Bell
I have a degree in sculpture having studied at Sunderland University. I use clay as my medium making unique sculptural forms.
Jillian Dexter
I have been a woven textile artist for over 30 years, weaving unique individual items such as scarves, table linen, throws, and floor rugs.
Charlotte Thompson
I am an artist, working with watercolour and acrylic paint, mixed media, collage and digital art. My pictures include landscape, still life, flowers and birds.
Ali Elly
With a background in textile design Ali paints fascinating marine life in watercolour and digital with a strong emphasis on illustration and pattern.
Carole Thirlaway
I am a printmaker specialising in wood engravings and collagraphs. I also work with soft pastels.
Donna Cheshire
Donna is a textile and community artist based in Newcastle upon Tyne