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Textile and Environmental Artist, based at 36 Lime Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. I work with schools and community groups. I regularly create pieces for museums and art galleries.
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Kate van suddese
I have been a professional artist for 37 years exhibiting nationally in group and solo shows. I use paint as form of connection and expression
Donna Cheshire
Donna is a textile and community artist based in Newcastle upon Tyne
Carole Thirlaway
I am a printmaker specialising in wood engravings and collagraphs. I also work with soft pastels.
Jo Singh
I manage the day to day operations of the Network. If you have any questions, would like to join us or you'd like to add
Brian Daglish
Abstract and impressionistic is his style of art works, inspired by natures colours mainly from the North of the UK .
Andrew Aske
Life has always inspired my art, and art will always inspire my life.